The aim of this release is for you to be able to stick this DVD in, quickly get setup running, and then when setup finally stops, your computer is ready to use. There are no steps in between, you don't need to do a thing, you get a fully unattended installation of everything. This means all your device drivers installed, no critical updates need installing, and your favorite essential 3rd party apps are already installed and ready to go (optional).
7 different flavours of Windows XP Professional SP3 to choose from - a 'More Info' option is also available that will tell you what each option installs.
- the choices involve whether you want:
> to use the driverpacks
> to automatically launch the post-install menu (and thus install the default apps)
> to install the WinBorg theme which is the logon screen (just like in all previous releases) and the name of 'My Computer' is renamed to 'The Collective'. The alternative is to install the OS without these 'Borg' elements.a Tools menu is available with a 'More Info' option for all the tools. The menu is:
> HD Clone Professional 3.2
> Hiren's Boot CD 9.5
> Partition Magic 8.05
> Bart's Ram Tester 1.4
Added feature: the Driverpacks selection utility. You can see the full list of packs available in the March 2008 release (see pic below)
- This starts just before the billboard text so you can de-select the packs you don't want to waste time unpacking. You can also set the style of your screen resolution.
- 2 of the 7 options for the OS don't use the driverpacks, the others do. Even then, the first 2 options can still use the packs, they just aren't selected by default.
- updates as of date of release
Integrated addons
- Your control panel will have 59 objects after install, and the apps are all current as of date of release.
- The full list of addons slipstreamed into this release:
Cyber AddonIconRepair
Cyber AddonPrime95v25.6
ENU_user SpeedUp 1.3
Dougiefresh DriveSpace v4.2.0.32 Mod
Gorki TrueTransparency 071207
Kels CMD anywhere addon v1
Kels CPLBonus addon v8.1.5 (contains the following
- BootSafe v1.0.1002
- Bootvis
- ClearType PowerToy
- CPU-Z v1.44.2
- Dial-a-Fix v0.60.0.24
- DirectX 9.0c CPL
- Expired Cookies Cleaner v1.02
- GPU-Z v0.1.8
- HD Tune v2.55
- HWmonitor v1.0.8
- MemTest v3.6
- Microsoft AutoPlay Repair Wizard
- Microsoft TimeZone <-- Requires .NET Framework
- Microsoft Virtual CD-ROM Control Panel v2.1
- MSI CleanUp Utility 4.4
- Nero Info Tool v5.2.3.0
- New MSConfig
- Regedit
- Startup v2.8 CPL
- Services and Devices v2.7
- TweakUI PowerToy v2.10.0.0
- Windows Task Manager
- WinUpdatesList v1.21
- User Accounts 2 CPL
Kels Runtimes addon v4
Kels SafeXP Addon v1.5.7.14
Kels UniversalSilentSwitchFinder addon v1.4.1.1
LUZR4LIFE AIO Black Theme Addon
OnePiece IE7AddOn 2.0.3
Redxii DirectX 9.0c End-User Runtime AddOn 0.3.3
Ricks AIOVistaAeroCursors AddOn v7.07.03
Ricks CapOCR1.7.9.11 AddOn 80331
Ricks CCleaner2.06.567 AddOn
Ricks DriverBackup CPL AddOn v0.79b
Ricks GenuineAdvantage AddOn 80330
Ricks NR Prio1.98 Addon
Ricks SPTD1.55 AddOn
Ricks ToolTipFixer1.0.1 AddOn
Ricks USD1.3.4.92 AddOn 80331
Ricks V'ISO 8.1 (mod by soporific)
Ricks VistaRTMFonts AddOn v1.1
Ricks VistaSoundsReplacement AddOn 70909
Ricks VMwareTools7.2.8.59824 AddOn
Ricktendo64 Classic Theme v1.6
Sops VistaFirefox2.0.0.13 AddOn
xable HashTab-x32-v2.0.8 addon
xable QFECHECK-v1.1 addon
xable WindowsUpdateEngine-v1.1 addon
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